Grief and Loss


Every change in our lives results in a loss, at some level. Chosen change is often positive and exciting, yet it still holds a degree of loss and sadness.
Sometimes chosen change is a painful necessity, and support and understanding through this time can make a great deal of difference in the regrouping and future focus these events require.

The big changes – called imposed change – like death, accident, illness, redundancy, loss of a business or relationship all bring significant grief and loss. In Christchurch extensive experience with the earthquakes of 2010, 2011 and ongoing, has resulted in the development of significant understanding and the development of resources and support for Christchurch people.
Particularly relevant for many people is the decision to place loved parents into care.
An important part of our humanity is addressed in the process of grieving. Yet it can be overwhelming, confusing or seems as though there will never be a time of laughter and happiness again.

The non-judgmental understanding and compassion of counselling support through these times is of great value. To know that the feelings, fears, and doubts or regrets are normal and can be accepted and eased helps restore peace of mind.

For more information or an appointment contact us, we are a phone call away.