

The employers ‘duty of care’ now means you must respond to these health & safety issues promptly and actively.

Whilst these two are not the same thing they are closely aligned. When stress is prolonged, and inescapable – or feels as if it is – burnout may be the next stage of health deterioration. There are outstanding insights and resources available- including resiliency training – which reduce the suffering and effects of stress, one of the most significant factors is the recognition of the impact of these conditions. Burnout especially requires significant rest, and again the parallel therapeutic services of counselling. As with much of our emotional pain and suffering it responds well to early intervention.

Identifying the causes of stress and burnout usually needs a confidential listener as problems arising in the workplace can create an added anxiety to disclosing problems within the same environment. The fear of damaging future opportunities, or being ‘judged’ by others, can keep good people from seeking the help and resources they really need.

Resilience is about recovery, recreation, reflection and relaxation.

With increasing financial and performance anxieties impacting the workplace currently, teaching and encouraging personnel resilience and well being initiatives is an excellent proactive strategy. Making Fitness for Work the individual employees responsibility is a cost effective strategy that Elliott Consultancy with BSS NZ can deliver to minimise the impact and consequence of stress in the workplace.