MBTI:- the basis of great Team Building and team review.
Like the pieces of a jigsaw combine to make a beautiful picture,the sixteen (pieces) Types of Myers Briggs Type Indicator when understood and effectively utilised create a great team.
Team building and review as carried out with the help of the MBTI tool, gives a group of individuals the encouragement to learn about themselves, each other and their leader. This facilitates greater openess and trust, provides neutral and affirmative language with which to identify and discuss differences, builds greater respect and utilisation of diversity and helps identify team strengths and blind spots.
With the changes so many businesses are facing, the teams that re-form will benefit from establishing and building via the facilitation of this process of understanding, appreciation and utilisation of the differences each team member has to offer. Type is about empowering team members not limiting them.
As change can disempower individuals during the transition, here is a proven resource to get teams re-formed, effectively functioning and productive.